Source code for qpformat.file_formats.series_hdf5_generic

import functools
import warnings

import h5py
import numpy as np
import qpimage

from .dataset import SeriesData

class NoSinogramDataFoundError(BaseException):

class SeriesHDF5GenericWarning(UserWarning):

class SeriesHDF5SinogramGeneric(SeriesData):
    """Base class for HDF5-based raw sinogram QPI data

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._get_data_indices())

    def _get_data_indices(self):
        """Get all experiments from the hdf5 file"""
        with h5py.File(name=self.path, mode="r") as h5:
            if "sinogram" not in h5:
                raise NoSinogramDataFoundError(
                    f"Group 'sinogram' not found in '{self.path}'!")
            indices = sorted(h5["sinogram"].keys(), key=lambda x: int(x))

        if not indices:
            # if this error is raised, the signal_type is probably not
            # set to "hologram".
            raise NoSinogramDataFoundError(
                f"No sinogram data found in '{self.path}'!")
        return indices

    def _get_metadata(self, dataset):
        """Return the metadata of the specified `h5py.Dataset`"""
        meta = qpimage.meta.MetaDict()
        for key in qpimage.META_KEYS:
            if key in dataset.attrs:
                meta[key] = dataset.attrs[key]
        return meta

    def verify(path):
        """Verify that `path` has generic sinogram data"""
        valid = False
            h5 = h5py.File(path, mode="r")
        except (OSError, IsADirectoryError):
            if ("file_format" in h5.attrs
                and "qpformat" in h5.attrs["file_format"].lower()
                    and "sinogram" in h5):
                valid = True
        return valid

    def shape(self):
        with h5py.File(name=self.path, mode="r") as h5:
            group = h5["sinogram"]["0"]
            for key in ["field", "phase", "amplitude", "intensity"]:
                if key in group:
                    return len(self), group[key].shape[0], group[key].shape[1]
                # Fallback to expensive shape computation
                warnings.warn(f"Using fallback `shape` for '{self.path}'!",
                return super(SeriesHDF5SinogramGeneric, self).shape

[docs]class SeriesHDF5SinogramMeep(SeriesHDF5SinogramGeneric): """sinograms extracted from Meep/FDTD simulations I introduced this format in 2022 as part of my efforts to make the finite-difference time domain simulations from the ODTbrain manuscript :cite:`Mueller2015` publicly available. The HDF5 file contains a "background" and a "sinogram" group. The subgroups of "sinogram" are enumerated starting with "0". Each of them contain the complex "field" at a plane behind the scattering phantom as an HDF5 Dataset. The location of the plane (and all other relevant metadata) is stored in the attributes of this Dataset. In the same group, there are also the C++ "simulation_code" and the log "simulation_output" which can be used to reproduce the simulation. """ storage_type = "field" def __init__(self, path, meta_data=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize with default wavelength of 500nm""" if meta_data is None: meta_data = {} if "wavelength" not in meta_data: meta_data["wavelength"] = 500e-9 super(SeriesHDF5SinogramMeep, self).__init__( path=path, meta_data=meta_data, *args, **kwargs) # set background data with h5py.File(path, "r") as h5: if "background" in h5: bgds = h5["background"]["field"] meta_data = self._get_metadata(bgds) qpi_bg = qpimage.QPImage(data=bgds[:], which_data="field", meta_data=meta_data, h5dtype=self.as_type) self.set_bg(qpi_bg) def _get_metadata(self, dataset): """Return simulation-specific metadata This uses the metadata previously extracted from the simulation and set in `dataset.attrs` to populate the QPI metadata. """ meta = super(SeriesHDF5SinogramMeep, self)._get_metadata(dataset) meta.update(self.meta_data) if "ACQUISITION_PHI" in dataset.attrs: meta["angle"] = dataset.attrs["ACQUISITION_PHI"] if "MEDIUM_RI" in dataset.attrs: meta["medium index"] = dataset.attrs["MEDIUM_RI"] if "SAMPLING" in dataset.attrs: meta["pixel size"] = meta["wavelength"] / dataset.attrs["SAMPLING"] if "extraction focus distance [px]" in dataset.attrs: focus_px = dataset.attrs["extraction focus distance [px]"] meta["focus"] = focus_px * meta["pixel size"] meta["sim center"] = np.array(dataset.shape) / 2 meta["sim model"] = "fdtd" return meta def get_qpimage_raw(self, idx=0): """Return QPImage without background correction""" name = self._get_data_indices()[idx] with h5py.File(name=self.path, mode="r") as h5: dataset = h5["sinogram"][name]["field"] meta_data = self._get_metadata(dataset) meta_data["time"] = float(idx) qpi = qpimage.QPImage(data=dataset[:], which_data="field", meta_data=meta_data, h5dtype=self.as_type) # set identifier qpi["identifier"] = self.get_identifier(idx) return qpi @staticmethod def verify(path): """Verify the file format The "file_format" attribute of the HDF5 file must contain the strings "qpformat" and "meep". """ valid = SeriesHDF5SinogramGeneric.verify(path) if valid: with h5py.File(path, "r") as h5: valid = "meep" in h5.attrs["file_format"].lower() return valid